God responded, where are you going looking for me, why are you trying to find Me? Be still, haven’t you heard My voice, I have drawn near to you and am calling your name. You don’t need to find me, I’m right here. God had been there all along (as I knew He had been) but I hadn't been opening my heart to listen. The next morning I went to the place where I want to build my future house and fell to my knees and confessed the dreams and doubts of my heart to God. “God, I have this desire in my heart that I always thought was of You, but take it from me if it’s not. I want to be a mother God, I want to be a wife. I want to make a family and home here in Maine, but if it’s not Your will than lead me some other way. I will go where you command me.” I first prayed that prayer when I was 12 at summer camp. As I was convicted then I was convicted again, “Betsy, the dream in your heart is My desire for you. Just wait in Me."
Part of waiting in the Lord I have found is putting aside my
dreams and doubts for the future and see in the present what I can do for my
Lord. Do I live my life each day
listening for the voice of the Spirit, do I act out of selfless love, do I
imitate Christ? I always feel better when I have something concrete to hold on
to, and I believe God will bless the works of our hands that we do in His name.
“Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3
I’ve taken the skills and
inclinations God has given me and have begun sewing a little girl’s princess
dress. I’m sewing it entirely by hand,
and as I sew I pray blessings and hopes for the unknown girl this dress will go
to. God has always laid children on my
heart, and I hope that with this dress I can tell some little girl in a way she
might not understand yet, that she has a Heavenly Father who will take her into His kingdom as His own daughter if she
will open her heart to Him. The kingdoms of earth don't even enter into competition with the Kingdom of Heaven, they are as dust on the scales.
“Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3
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