Tuesday, January 31, 2012

She sells seashells

So that walk I took last Wednesday when I collected all those shells, here's what I'm doing with them.

First I rinsed all the sand off of them. Then I soaked them for about 30 minutes in a mix of water and bleach. That usually works to get rid of the "I once housed a living organism" stench that usually clings to shells from the beach.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Murder! Murder! Once there's one done

My mom likes to tell the story of when we were at the beach when I was three years old and I disappeared. My mom looked away for just a moment, but it was enough time for me to take off. She went one way looking for me and sent my older cousin the other way. Apparently she found me marching down the beach with my head down, looking for seashells.